Map by @aaguirreart


In the upcoming posts, I will take you on an enchanting journey through the realms of Ethos, where magnificent landscapes and extraordinary locations await. You'll be captivated by the vibrant colours of the bustling markets, the serenity of hidden forests, and the grandeur of towering mountains. Each glimpse I offer will transport you closer to the heart of this fantastical world, leaving you eagerly anticipating the unveiling of the full map. So prepare for an immersive adventure like no other!


Dorraset is a county in the northeast region of Ethos, hosting the capital city of Carraton that captivates all who set foot within its boundaries. This city, serves as the residence of the noble royal family, sheltered within the grand confines of a majestic castle that epitomizes not only splendour, but also unyielding strength as it stands valiantly guarded by devoted soldiers.
Carraton, however, is not solely defined by its distinguished castle; it is also home to a remarkable institution of learning— a medical school that stands as a testament to the magnificent amalgamation of magic and medicine. Within its halls, skilled practitioners impart their wisdom to students, guiding them in mastering the intricate art of healing. The adept scholars within this esteemed institution employ their talents to combat afflictions and mend wounds, utilizing the profound power of magic alongside conventional medical expertise, effectively healing the suffering.
In close proximity to this establishment lies the temple of Indra, representing the divine spirit and the power of the crystals. This sacred temple serves as both a training ground for wielders of magic and a sanctuary of worship for devoted followers of Indra. Nestled amidst serene surroundings, bounded by lush gardens and embraced by whispers of enchantment, the temple resonates with divine energy that nurtures and sustains the people and the land around them.
Adding an exciting flourish to the vibrant tapestry of Carraton are the myriad shops and bustling markets that line its streets, enticing visitors with an endless array of wares and treasures. A true haven for seekers of fashion, food, and connoisseurs of the finest crafts, Carraton indulges its visitors with an extraordinary selection. Its reputation as a haven for artisans skilled in the alchemical manipulation of copper and iron mined in Dorraset precedes it, and their masterpieces can be found adorning storefronts and market stalls, waiting to be discovered and cherished by all who possess an appreciation for craftsmanship of the highest caliber.
The allure of Carraton is not limited to its resplendent offerings; it extends an earnest invitation to people from all walks of life. Whether seekers of grandeur, lovers of culture, or those in search of respite, this magnificent city promises an experience that transcends bounds and caters to the most discerning of tastes. Carraton, with its unparalleled beauty, abundance, and an unwavering commitment to excellence, remains an indomitable bastion of allure, a testament to the harmonious blend of magic, culture, and prosperity that Ethos possesses.

The mines of Grode are the lifeblood of the kingdom, as they provide not just precious metals of copper and iron, but also the means to fuel its thriving economy and military strength. Nestled amidst the rough and unforgiving terrain of the northern rugged mountains, these mines have become a symbol of resilience and determination. It is here, within the depths of the earth, that the hardworking miners toil relentlessly, enduring grueling hours and facing hazardous conditions day in and day out, solely to extract the valuable copper and iron resources.
Beyond the mines themselves lie the bustling towns that have sprung up as a result of this prosperous industry. Serving as vital nodes of activity and commerce in the region, these mining towns are teeming with life. Vibrant and brimming with a tapestry of cultures and traditions from various corners of the kingdom, they reveal a rich tapestry of customs and heritage. It is amidst these towns where the miners and their families reside, forging tight-knit communities.
Offering a medley of compelling festivals, vibrant markets, lively taverns, and bustling guilds, each street echoes with the harmonious medley of different dialects and music, bringing people together.
Within the mines of Grode, the spirit of determination and reward is palpable, as the people work hard and play hard. The toil endured in these mines is met with well-deserved respite and celebration, as the miners come together to revel in their accomplishments. From gleeful gatherings in the town squares to hearty feasts that commemorate milestones, the miners of Grode understand the importance of finding joy amidst their demanding lives.




Magic and Mayhem