Coming Soon

I can’t believe it’s almost here! I just finished writing book one of the epic fantasy series The Crystal Dynasty. To say I am ecstatic is an understatement. I have been working on this book for so long that it is surreal to think in three short months, it will be ready to share with the world.

Everything is slowly starting to fall into place, with my map ready, character art booked in, and my editor working with me to make this book the best it can be.

So, what can you expect to find in book one of this fantasy series??

Well, there is…

  • An Evil Queen

  • Magic

  • Madness

  • Secrets and Lies

  • Loss and Love

  • Betrayal

  • Family Dynamics

  • A young prince and princess who flee to safety

With multiple points of views, and one being the villain of the story you can immerse yourself in the magical world of Ethos, following each character as they navigate the changing world around them. It’s dark at times, with moments of sorrow, loss and heartache, yet lighter moments too. The book series is epic fantasy, but I am mindful that some themes in this book might be difficult for some readers. When writing this book, I wrote by the characters, following their lead, and some characters paths are more difficult than others. With this in mind I have added a list of possible trigger warnings for readers.

Possible trigger/content warnings

  • Signs of depression

  • Moments of self harm

  • Reference to unalive themselves

  • A couple of spicy scenes

This book has been a pipe dream for me for many years, and I can’t believe its almost time to share it with you all soon!! To all of my followers, thank you and keep looking out for my blog posts, something special will be coming to your inbox as I begin to share snippets of my work with you.


Updates and a Book Release


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