Who am I?

Let me introduce myself

Hello, dear readers! For those of you who are new to my page, welcome and nice to meet you! I hope you'll stick around and join the fun. And if you're a regular, thank you for your ongoing support!

My name is Abigail, and I am a fantasy writer and and avid reader.

I have always loved to read, with my favourite genre being fantasy. I delighted in getting lost in new worlds and devoured books as a child. I loved to make up my own stories around what I read, and dabbled in my own.

There was a short time there I had my own type writer too. This cemented in me the desire to write, while feeling like a true writer as I tapped away at the keys, watching the words spill out onto the page with every letter I typed.

It was pure joy for me. As I grew up, my writing lessened, as life and work took over, however, my love of reading persisted. Enjoying series by authors such as Kate Forsyth, Robert Jordan and David Eddings to name a few, my love for fantasy grew and grew.

Over time, my love for reading helped kindle the fire in me to start writing once more. Books inspired me to reignite my passion for writing and create my own epic fantasy series.

For the past few years, this has involved me creating book one of ‘The Crystal Dynasty’ series. A book filled with magic, love, family and betrayal. With a quest to find the shards of a powerful crystal that can save or destroy the world.

In the series I explore the complex relationships between my characters and how they cope with the challenges they face. It's a story full of twists and turns, action, love, heroes and villains.

For the lovers of fantasy that are looking for a new adventure, I invite you to join me on this journey. I can't wait to share my story with you and hear your thoughts on it as I bring my story to life. Stay tuned for more updates and sneak peeks!

But for now, I want to hear from you. Tell me what you're working on and what genres you love to read!


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